Wednesday 25 July 2012

The Dont's of a Personal Statement Infographic

At their ECHO (ECFMG certificate holders office) resource section I found some Dont’s pertaining to personal statement. Instead of list after list of pointers that are available on other sites, I decided to make a infographic highlighting the key DONTS of your personal statement. The Infographic is shown below

DONTs of personal statement

Key things to consider are
  1. DO NOT rush through your personal statement: take enough time to work on it.
  2. DO NOT make your personal statement a running list of your achievements, let the CV do that for you. Thus, your PS and CV should not read the same.
  3. DO NOT mention politics, no democrat – republican – libertarian, none of that is a  good idea here, not even US foreign policy.
  4. DO NOT use paid services. ECFMG insists that one should not use these but there can be an exception in some cases who need help. Just make sure that the essay is unique and reflects you.
  5. DO NOT speak negatively in your personal statement  - regarding your previous job or school or boss etc
  6. DO NOT plagiarize your essay.
  7. DO NOT have others write your essay because you can run into problems of copying the material or ideas not being original
  8. DO NOT mention religious topics in your statement
No matter what specialty you apply to, be it family medicine or psychiatry, pediatrics or any other, you MUST focus on your personal statement and make it the best literary masterpiece that you can create in your life! For the DO's of a personal statement read on...
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1 comment:

  1. Personal statement of purpose in which an applicant outlines his or her career goals and states reasons for applying to a particular program is considered to be one of the most important and crucial documents in your application package. writing statement of purpose


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