Thursday 31 March 2011

On Cool free apps for interns iphone/ipod

Hello all, I have used some apps ever since my intern year. Though I dont solely rely on them for information, they are very hand in spur of the moment type situations.

Cool apps for iphone and ipod,
1. AF: atrial fibrillation guide, you wont belive how many afibs you will come across when you are on call or night float
2. pneumonia management tool (by ortho-mcnell-jassen, makers of levaquin), has Pn. severity index calc. 
3. Med-calc for medical calculations all medical calculations
4. Epocrates free version for drugs mainly
5. Black bag, for medical news
6. cardio calc
7. convert units for free
8. GI calc
9. Heme Calc
10. neph calc
11. shots 2010 (immunization schedule)
12. Skyscape medical resources with online clinical manager (OCM) free.
13. Wikipanion
14. Medscape


  1. can you suggest some android apps for residency?

    1. These are super useful and should help you with almost all of your medical needs on the fly
      1. medscape
      2. Epocrates
      3. Skyscape
      above 3 require subscription but are free.

      4. Calculate by QxMD
      5. USPSTF app for preventative medicine


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