Monday 25 April 2011

How much does a resident make?

Very often I have come across applicants who ask as to how much will a resident make? Does it vary from year to year? is there an average amount that may be applicable to all? To answer these questions look at the following article

This graph is the average salary of residents across the board per year compiled from the AAMC publication regarding residency data. PGY1, 2 and 3 are of course residents while PGY4 to 8 are considered fellows. As you can see the salary starts around 48,000$ and increases as the seniority in the training program increases. Many 2 year fellowships like ID would have PGY4 and PGY5 while three year programs go up to PGY6. Very specific fellowships like electrophysiology after cardiology would go into the PGY7 and PGY8 range. Oh and don't forget to deduct anywhere from 7000 to 10,000 from the salary for state and federal taxes, social security benefits, dental, health and eye insurance.


  1. Is the PGY 1 salary sufficient to support a resident and his (non employed) wife?

    1. yes, if you live within the means, you can support family.


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