Sunday 13 November 2011

10 Fellowships after Family Medicine residency

Post residency training after internal medicine training are well known, what is not well realized is there are also opportunities for fellowship after doing a family medicine residency. American Academy of Family Physician has a list of training programs which you can find here 

1. Substance abuse
2. Sports Medicine
3. Rural medicine
4. Research in Family practice
5. Preventative medicine
6. Obstetrics
7. International Medicine
8. Geriatrics
9. Faculty development
10. Adolescent medicine

One things to realize is that the ideology behind being a family physician is being good at several things while not being pigeon holed into one speciality or one niche. Thats the strength of family physicians, however the attraction of fellowships is making its way into this speciality too. Thus those you are interested in pursing specialization after residency need not clamber to get into IM as there are also opportunities available after family medicine!


  1. What are the chances or possibilities of being selected in Neurology residency after 3 years of family medicine residency?

  2. hey can i get an answer for that
    if u get into a family medicine program and after finishing it u reapply in the match for neurology
    what are the chances or is it possible??

  3. hi sorry was away this long weekend so was not able to focus on the website. The short answer is NO. Programs receive federal funding to train residents which does not extend beyod 3 years. It is even more difficult if you are not a US citizen. So as a visa seeking/ Green card (not citizen) applicant, it is extremely difficult.


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