Saturday 3 March 2012

BLS, ACLS, PALS for residents

On occasion before you begin your residency the program co-ordinator may ask you to provide your BLS and/or ACLS certification. Now normally I would say that you can get these done at the hospital itself where you are going to work but there are times where you could save yourself some time by getting pre-certified.

Remember: Being ACLS or PALS or BLS certified has no bearing on your residency attempt and will not affect your chances of getting interview. So if you are a residency applicant - save your hard earned money and use it to apply to more programs.

Click on the link below to look up places near you that are American Heart association (AHA) certified to provide the life support systems classes. You can select from the drop down menu which course you want to take BLS, ACLS, PALS etc and then enter your area code. Chose the class nearest to you and sign up!

Remember there may be a basic course fee which you will have to pay in most of these classes. My ACLS/BLS class took about 6 -7 hours and was conducted in a fire station!

On a side note, ACLS protocol has changed! so yeah, its not the same thing every year - you may actually learn some new stuff when you re-certify. 

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