Wednesday 23 May 2012

Best and worst states for medical graduates (IMG) seeking residency in radiology

In the series of articles which does a subject wise analysis of the best and worst states to apply for medical residency based on the IMG friendliness scale, this article pertains to radiology. The previous article spoke of most and least favorable states for those wanting to pursue neurology which can be read at Best and worst states for foreign medical graduates seeking residency in Neurology.

The states have been listed on the left and include the all continental US states and the percentage of IMGs in the state are depicted by the bar graph. The data is compiled from NRMP, results and data section. You can click on the image to zoom in.

Figure 1: Radiology residency most favorable states: Source NRMP

Radiology results are interesting because immediately one can see (Figure 1) that there are 3 groups of states.

  1. Zero IMG friendly
  2. Less IMG friendly (Texas, Massachusetts, Michigan, North Carolina, Maryland, Illinois, Georgia, Pennsylvania)
  3. More IMG friendly

Given below is a list of Top 10 worst states for an applicant seeking radiology residency and excludes the common obvious choices like Alaska, Hawaii, Vermont etc. Some states are zero not because that don’t take IMGs at all but because they do not have a radiology program.

  1. Alabama
  2. California
  3. Florida
  4. Arizona
  5. Colorado
  6. Kansas
  7. Louisiana
  8. Tennessee
  9. Nebraska
  10. South Carolina

The reason I have included the ones listed above, because they are states where foreign graduates still tend to apply.

Top 10 Best states for an applicant seeking radiology residency are,

  1. Arkansas
  2. Minnesota
  3. New Jersey
  4. Connecticut
  5. Vermont
  6. Ohio
  7. Missouri
  8. New York
  9. Iowa
  10. Kentucky
  11. Oklahoma

Caveat: Remember that these reflect percentages and do not reflect the number of positions. Thus if one program has 2 seats and 1 is IMG then it is 50% 'IMG friendly' as opposed to another which has 10 positions and 3 are IMG which then is 30% 'IMG friendly' even though it has more spots. This aside, the percentage does reflect the IMG friendliness scale of each state and allows the applicants to select and choose the appropriate programs for the specialty of their choice.  This list will also help curb unnecessary spending and save money in application costs by informing the applicant to not apply to those states, which have zero foreign trained residents. Go back to the main page of this section to check out other specialties. If you want to receive updates and stay in touch join on facebook or follow me on twitter!

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